An efficient, reliable shower tap is vital for a busy household to adequately function. If problems develop, like fluctuations in temperature or a broken tap, scalding is possible, or worse, the daily routine will need to change. Recognizing signs of issues early is vital so that repairs or a replacement can be done.
The challenge for homeowners is knowing how often to replace shower taps or when to make repairs. Manufacturers provide instructions on proper care and preventive maintenance for optimum function and efficiency and will address questions and concerns when you’re when there are signs of a problem.
Keeping taps clean and inspecting them periodically for defects is essential to maintain adequate operation and extend the longevity. Homeowners can DIY preventive maintenance or enlist the assistance of a qualified plumber for extensive knowledge and expertise.
Visit for guidance on picking quality replacements. Let’s explore warning signs you can pay attention for to know if your shower taps need repairs or a replacement.
Signs You May Need a New Shower Tap
Homeowners pay little attention to bathroom fixtures until the shower tap scalds someone or it breaks.
These are designed and manufactured with high durability and extended longevity nowadays. However, if you live in an older home with original fixtures, these have worn significantly over time, making it necessary to consider a replacement.
Before a major problem develops, leading to potential water damage, prioritize comparing quality taps to replace the existing fixture. Here are warning signs that could lead to significant issues for the household if the shower tap is not repaired or replaced.
The tap should not leak or drip when the shower lever is off. If it produces drips, this can indicate malfunctioning with the valves or in the pipes. For a house with higher water pressure than average, inadvertent dripping can occur.
Many homeowners find this a minor issue, and some don’t notice it, but it can actually lead to severe water damage developing below the tap. Plus, puddled water can become stagnate and attract pests.
While the fixture can be adjusted to stop the drip, it’s possible to start again. When repeated repairs are unsuccessful, a replacement is reasonable.
Leaks are possible from different parts of shower taps, such as the base and the lever. It’s possible to secure or replace a few parts in order to repair the fixture, but as a rule, a tap replacement is a simple and straightforward approach and could be the most cost-efficient choice in the end.
The leaks can become a frustration over time, but water can cause mould and other problems. Instead of continuing to spend money on repairing the issue, it’s wise to replace the shower tap and reduce the risks, such as mould growth.
Over time, mineral deposits can build up along with grime and rust. This accumulation can damage the fixture over a prolonged period when left untreated.
Mineral deposits inside the shower tap are often a result of hard water being processed, leading to reduced performance. Levers may be tough to turn if rust corrosion is setting. Corrosion can eventually irreparably break the fixture down.

Much staining from hard water and rust can be removed with vinegar or lemon juice unless it’s extensive; these taps must be replaced. Corrosion tends to build internally initially, but you will also notice it around the spigot and the tap base.
The recommendation is to consider a water softener and replace the fixture instead of investing in repairs.
Wear or malfunctioning
You could need a new shower tap if the lever or other parts become damaged or malfunction. A broken lever can show signs that the fixture’s stem is becoming worn down by producing noises like a squeak.
A plumbing professional can coat the lever’s stem with grease; however, a steadily deteriorating tap will continue to have issues until it’s replaced. View here for tips on selecting a cohesive fixture to replace your existing tap.
The aerator
The aerator is likely clogged when the water spits out of the tap instead of steadily flowing. The aerator is a net that covers the tap’s tip. If this becomes excessively clogged, the fixture will need to be replaced.
The sounds
Unusual sounds coming from the shower tap should be addressed either with repairs or a replacement fixture, depending on the issue. Screeching, in particular, can be an indication that the fixture’s rubber washer has become hardened and needs to be changed out.

Clanking or clicking could mean that certain components have become cracked. You can disassemble it to inspect for the cause of the noise in order to make the necessary corrections or contact a plumber to handle the repairs. The plumber will advise if a replacement is more cost-efficient.
In that same vein, water that tastes bad or smells foul is an indication of an issue with the tap. You’ll need to determine if this is just in the shower or consistent throughout the house. A household problem will need to be addressed by the water company to test the system.
If the problem is strictly in the shower, these pipes or the tap could be significantly worn. The taste and smell can be affected as the fixture steadily breaks down and the water grows rusty. A plumber can diagnose the underlying issue and make the proper repairs.
Final Thought
Most homeowners are unsure how old the shower tap is when purchasing an existing home, nor are they aware of how often these need to be replaced. The bathroom is one room frequently updated when people buy a house, although some must wait before renovating.
The lifespan will depend on the model; you can research the number with the manufacturer. Most fixtures last roughly 15 years when adequately cleaned and maintained.
Suppose an upgrade isn’t something you have planned right away, but you’re uncertain of the shower tap’s age or the amount of wear it’s experienced.
In that case, it’s wise to invest in a high-quality replacement when moving in and inspect the pipes to ensure they are in good condition and establish optimum efficiency and functionality overall.